Monday, April 14, 2014

Vertical wood poles

Hey All,
I hope you are all enjoying your Monday. We have been getting a lot of questions regarding our framing options recently so I decided to write this weeks blog surrounding that topic. More specifically the benefits of using vertical wood poles instead of a stainless steel frame. I have listed some pros and cons of both below.
Generally our tents are composed of a steel framed structure. We have a few different options to choose from including mild steel, 304 S/s and 316 S/s. You definitely want to go with a S/s option in any area that is prone to higher humidity or where rusting may be an issue. Another Benefit of choosing to go with the steel frame is that there is much more play room during the set up of the tent than if you were to use wooden poles. The steel poles get bolted into the floor and can be adjusted slightly to properly accommodate the tent and have much more room for error once placed than the wooden poles.
If local timber is available near the location of your tent site, you may want to consider going with a vertical wood pole setup. The benefits of having vertical wood poles are not only that it is very esthetically pleasing to ones eyes, it also increases the overall structural integrity of the tents. It is important to note that even when choosing to go with the vertical wood poles the roof framing will still be a steel framed structure. We also suggest choosing to go with the vertical wood poles in areas that are prone to harsher wind conditions. One of the down sides to wooden poles are that it is necessary to have a proper and confident carpenter on hand and in the area. Once the poles are in there and bolted down through the decking for maximum performance they are a lot harder to adjust than the steel poles. So it is important to make sure that the measurements are correct prior to setting the wooden beams into place. We are able to supply the vertical wood poles for you, but it generally benefits the client to obtain the wood locally. We will be able to provide you with the dimensions needed for the poles.
Go ahead and take a look at the pics below which show the difference between the vertical wood poles and the steel frame options.
Also don't forget to check out our web site ( to help answer any questions that you may have.
Enjoy the upcoming weekend
- ET

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