Tuesday, May 24, 2016

This is glamping.

With the world being such a beautiful place, and the belief that everyone should be able to experience these locations in the way which they feel most comfortable.
Exclusive Tents was born... Filled with the desire to bring even those who would never be caught dead "roughing it", to some of earths most exotic and untouched destinations.
Along with our clients, we have crafted some of the most unique: resorts, lodges, and guest houses ever to be seen. Masters of creating the perfect synergy between your living space and the environment, while still making sure that you have all the comforts you can’t live without. Bringing you out of your element, yet making you feel right at home. An experience that everyone from all walks of life can appreciate. That is glamping. 

- ET

If you build it, they will come.

If you build it, they will come. #glamping #exclusivetents

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


We all know someone who has “left” the real world and is constantly “in” their phone, on their computer, staying in the city, and never unplugging for a slightest moment to just be present. Technology is awesome, but it also adds anxiety to our lives. Who’s calling, I’m expecting a call, when are they going to text back, who’s talking about me on social media, I have to write this email….and it just keeps going. These things just revolve in our heads subconsciously these days, it’s a part of life now. If you are a Glamper and know someone like this, take on the task of of helping them unplug for a short while. Show them how Glamping for just a few days can make all the difference. We all need time to “unwind” and relax and Glampers know how to do it best. We encourage you to take a friend or family member Glamping and expose them to what relaxing really feels like.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

We’ve been doing this for a long time.

We’ve been doing this for a long time. We started as a very small company making one tent at a time….boy have we come a long way! That being said we never started this company to be largest luxury tent manufacture in the world, we started this to be the best (which doesn’t mean you manufacture the most). We just happened to kill two birds with one stone smile emoticon
We are so proud to say that our tents grace some of the most amazing and uniquely recognized Glamping sites on the planet. This is not all our doing though, as we could not do what we do without amazing clients. They are always lovely people willed with amazing ideas! You know who you are and we love you guys.

- ET